Screen shots are not supplied for every step. If your provider supplies DHCP or if you are given a static IP, you’ll need the IP address, Subnet Mask and gateway address. You will need to know your basic network information beforehand. Your company’s own security and networking policies may contradict information presented within this document. This walk through requires a degree of networking familiarity and is not designed for every networking eventuality, choosing accessibility over specifics in every instance. The ASA is a firewall device and is not a router per se, however there is a level of manageability and base level PAT (Port Address Translation) which makes it a wonderful device for use in smaller offices of up to ten users.
This article is to assist users unfamiliar with the Cisco ASA 5505 running software version 7.2 in getting their device up and running to the point where they can register their devices and make and receive phone calls. In the policy-map global_policy go into the class inspection-default section and add “no inspect sip” to remove it from the config then write the config to memory. In order to disable the SIP implementation- in global config mode on the router go to the policy map and remove the 'inspect sip” line. We recommend a rollback to the previous version and will update when we have more information. NOTE- As of IoS 9.1(6), we believe the SIP implementation to be broken.